Press-release: Airvote extends its QR Smiley® solution with service logging capabilities
April 26, 2022
A new release doubles the power of its flagship QR Smiley® product, making it a single communication hub for both the customers and the company’s service teams
Corpus Christi, Texas—April 26, 2022—Today, AirVote announced its new generation of service-enabled QR smileys. The same familiar QR smileys can now also serve as a convenient interface for the company employees to log their services.
“It was simply listening to our customers…”, says Vlad Ostremski, one of the AirVote founders and the company’s head of R&D. “Originally, we wanted our QR smileys to be only about user feedback. But we heard a frequent theme in our discussions with our existing and prospective clients: can the teams use the same QR smiley to log their service activities?”
AirVote initially released a separate Service Log product responding to the customers’ needs. It is a QR code to be installed in service areas for the custodial teams to scan and use a simple interface to check off their service activities. But, to enable it, a business would still need to order and install a separate set of QR codes at the service locations.
The current release simplifies the process by adding some “intelligence” to the AirVote QR smileys. When the company employee enters a PIN, the system will recognize that device for the service activities logging. The same QR smiley scanned by another device will gather the user’s feedback as it always does.
“Many companies told us that they want better optics into an anonymous feedback they get, and how it relates to the service quality and scheduling”, adds Vlad. “Putting side-by-side customer feedback and service logs gives the business all it needs to find the root cause of an issue.”
About AirVote: Founded in 2019, AirVote® ( is a self-service real-time customer feedback platform. Customers provide instant service feedback by scanning one of three smileys with an embedded unique QR code with their smartphone. Self-service setup, simplicity of implementation, and contactless format make AirVote an attractive offering for clients in various industries and settings.